Live Gardens plants LLC is dedicated to providing a quality choice for people looking for plant and garden supplies, as well as serving landscaping contractors who need a reliable source of products. We have dedicated showroom in in Damascus Street, Dubai.
We will offer a wide variety of indoor and outdoor plants, trees, vegetable plants, along with a selection of garden supplies. Most of the plants we sell will be grown in our greenhouses. With a convenient location Live Gardens plants LLC intends to successfully market to the residential customer, online customers as well as landscaping contractors and renters.
We would like to see satisfied and happy customer base each time. Our marketing strategy includes providing a knowledgeable staff, affordable prices, a great location, and top-notch customer service.
Live Gardens plants LLC has been the dream of owners for many years, and has been a project in the making for the last ten years. They will manage all aspects of operations at Live Gardens and plants LLC. Management will involve online business directly with customers to providing end to end solution.
Live Gardens and plants LLC aims to experience a grow as per market satisfaction and competency with creative marketing, and a quality choice of plants and garden supplies for our customers Live Gardens Plants LLC intends to make its presence known in the Garden plants supplier’s community.
1.1 Objectives
- Maintain a quality customer relationship
- Generate reputation in live plants selling in all area of UAE
- Realize market potential and interests.
1.2 Mission
Live Gardens plants LLC is dedicated to providing a wide variety of plants and trees in an aesthetic setting. Customer service is extremely important with competitive price. We want each customer to have a pleasant shopping experience, and it is the intention of our staff to answer questions with expertise and to offer advice when we feel it is needed.
1.3 Keys to Success
The primary keys to success for the company will be based on the following factors:
- Sell products of the highest quality with excellent customer service and support.
- Retain customers to generate repeat purchases and make referrals.
- Continue to expand daily business by adding to the variety of plants we sell.
- Communicate with our customers through creative advertising.